Thursday, April 23, 2015

"Do you have a question?"

|After Bible class today, I was waiting for my friend to finish taking a quiz. 
I was casually sitting in a desk when Mr. Twigg, my teacher, asked if I had a question. "No, I'm just waiting for her," I smiled. He said "oh, okay," and continued with getting his things together. 
I was kind of surprised, because he asked me how my semester was going. He asked my major, asked what classes were bothering me. Several times he would say "Not trying to be nosey, but.." He asked many questions about why I chose a Humanities major. I explained why; I told him about Jeremy and how he helped mold my love for the disabled. I told him of how Jeremy showed me what I wanted to do. I told him how Jeremy passed away and how much I have missed going to the group homes. Mr. Twigg asked a few other questions about what I specifically want to do with my major.
 But it was what he said after, when we were basically done with the conversation, that really got my attention.
 "Have you ever thought that maybe your spiritual gift is mercy?"
 I stumbled with my words, because, honestly, I had never thought about it. I had never thought about what talent God had given me. I thought about what mercy is and how I could possibly show mercy in my life. Someone who barely knows me, only being my teacher for two semesters, just heard about what I want to do and asked if my gift was mercy.

 I just came back to my room and got on Pinterest, and look what popped up- this quote. And it all made sense. I am able to show mercy so easily because of the mercy that God shows me. His mercies are new every day. He has showed such immense mercy to me, how could I not show it to others? My mercy does not come from within myself, it comes from who God is. Because mercy is not something God has, but something God is. And that- to have the adjective "merciful" placed before my name- is the greatest compliment, for I am being complimented by something that defines God. 
Humbling. So humbling. 

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